If you haven’t already read my existential crisis manifesto on the home page, you should probably start there, cause that pretty much tells you all you need to know.

If you did read it and you want to know even more about me, I’m flattered 🥹 and also slightly concerned for you.

So now let’s get into the slightly more structured version of who I am and what I’m trying to do here.


Hi my name is Grace, and I don’t easily fit into a box, so describing myself has never been easy for me- but I will try my best.

At my core, I am just a highly sensitive person with a lot of feelings. 

But I am also a writer, traveler, entrepreneur, holistic health coach, personal trainer, and an aspiring jack of all trades with a wide range of interests. Basically I know a little about a lot, and a lot about nothing.

More than anything, I am a deep and critical thinker. 

I want to be clear that I am very much a work in progress and definitely not coming from a place of ‘having it all together.’

I am a walking contradiction, really.

I spend half my time trying to heal and be the best version of myself and the other half flirting with self-sabotaging behaviors and destructive patterns.

I don’t want to be this way, but I’ve struggled with my mental health and perfectionism my whole life. I’m constantly trying (and failing) to live up to some ideal version of myself, and those patterns are difficult to unlearn.

I have a deep love for philosophy, a complicated relationship with wellness, and an arguably unhealthy obsession with understanding the human experience.


My life has been one long identity crisis.

I’ve cycled through more passions and career ideas than I can honestly remember, searching for my calling- the perfect path that would finally make me feel fulfilled.

I’ve been down the self-improvement, gym-rat, productivity-obsessed route. I’ve also embraced the live-in-the-moment, impulsive adventurer, nihilistic scene—filled with moments fueled by the “fuck it, we’re all gonna die anyway” mentality.

And I cycle between these extremes on a regular, sometimes daily, or even hourly basis.

But I’m realizing now that maybe life isn’t meant to be perfect; it’s just meant to be lived—messy, uncertain, and absurd as it is.

So now, I’m trying this: writing, creating, sharing my experiences—the good, the bad, and the highly uncomfortable—in hopes of making someone out there feels a little less alone in their chaos. Even if that someone just ends up being me.


Yes, I surprisingly have some, if that is somehow comforting to you:

I am a certified Integrative Nutrition Holistic Health Coach, which means I spent countless hours learning about the mind-body connection and how the food we eat affects our brains and bodies and vice versa.

I am also a Certified Personal Trainer because, at one point, I thought a fat ass and flat abs were the answer to my existential dread.

I have extensive experience in deep-diving into every self-improvement rabbit hole known to man (unofficial, but trust me, I’ve done the work, and then some..)

I also have a YouTube channel with 13,000+ people who seem to think I have something valuable to say (though I’m still not entirely convinced myself).


Reflections on self-worth, healing, and the uphill battle of existing in this modern world.

Thoughts on wellness that don’t involve unrealistic fitness culture or green juice propaganda. I discuss health from the perspective that there is no one right way to approach it, with a large emphasis on bio-individuality.

Existential ramblings that probably won’t solve anything but might make you feel seen and help you become more self aware- sorry in advance for the latter.

A realistic approach to self-improvement, because honestly, we’re all just winging it- and if someone claims to have it all figured out, or some magic formula, they’re lying. 


I want to create a space where people can feel seen in their struggles—without the toxic positivity, the ‘just do this magical gratitude practice’ or ‘workout more’ or ‘eat healthier’ nonsense. All of those things are helpful, but they aren’t a cure all. Trust me, I’ve tried.

I want to accept that life isn’t meant to be perfect, and learn to let go of the impossible standard of having it all figured out— while also avoiding the temptation to give up on myself and fall into self-destructive patterns.

I’m searching for balance, and I’ve decided to share my thoughts and findings as I figure it out to hopefully inspire others to do the same.

My goal isn’t to tell you how to live your life. It’s to ask the questions that make you think, challenge the bullshit narratives we’ve been fed, and maybe, just maybe, help us all feel a little more at peace in the chaos that is being human.

Because if life really is just one big existential joke, I wanna find a way to laugh and enjoy my way through it.

And I think it would be a lot more fun if I didn’t feel so alone in this, so why not try to build a community around that?


Honestly? You don’t have to. 

But if you’ve ever felt like you’re constantly almost figuring life out, only to end up back at square one, then you might just find something here that resonates.

Or at the very least, you’ll get to witness someone else spiral in real-time, which is always entertaining.

Welcome to my world. It’s weird here, but the internet is fake as fuck, and at the very least I can promise you that here, I’ll be keeping it real.


Lucky for you, fixing that takes seconds.

You’ll get my occasional, semi-coherent, slightly unhinged thoughts on life, wellness, and the daily struggle of being a functional human, straight to your inbox! (For FREE.) I know, crazy. 

So, yeah—drop the addy.

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